VHC Health’s Capital Project and Expansion

As healthcare evolves and advances, so must our facilities. VHC Health is committed to keeping pace, continuously improving, and expanding our healthcare services. Your donation to the VHC Health Foundation is a direct contribution to this forward-thinking pursuit, ensuring we continue the highest quality of care now and for generations to come.

The Future for VHC Health

Population growth and our regions unique healthcare needs directly drives the need for our planned expansions. In a significant stride toward enhancing community health, VHC Health is planning a comprehensive 5.8-acre advanced rehabilitation and behavioral health wellness facility. This facility will encompass:

  • Diverse mental health services, including adult, adolescent, and recovery & wellness units.
  • Five broad-spectrum outpatient programs.
  • A dedicated 14-bed geriatric behavioral health unit at the main hospital campus.

Your Role in Bringing Tomorrow’s Healthcare to Today

Philanthropy has played a crucial role in enabling our past expansions. Our $250 million outpatient pavilion, constructed in 2019, revolutionized community access to care, providing a myriad of services from surgery to physical therapy, and a special space for women’s health.

The new facility, set to break ground in late 2023 or early 2024, promises to bring healthcare closer to home for the people of Arlington County.

Together, We Make a Lasting Impact

Your support goes beyond financial contribution; it’s an enduring legacy, providing hope to community members in need. It’s an investment in the future of healthcare, ensuring world-class care for you and your family, right at your doorstep.
Your generous support helps:

  • Develop state-of-the-art facilities for better patient care.
  • Meet the growing demand for mental health services.
  • Increase our rehabilitation bed capacity from 20 to 40.

For nearly 80 years, our mission has been to serve the Washington-D.C. metropolitan. Your generous commitment to VHC Health’s future can change lives and build a stronger, healthier community. Be part of the change. Leave a lasting legacy today.

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